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Bouncing Back After Disaster

Episode 025

After watching her father go through three different layoffs while she was growing up and then experiencing three different layoffs during in her own career in the corporate world, Lisa Orr decided she wanted to become an entrepreneur. No more working for someone else, she wanted control over her own future. Lisa created Rorr Marketing to help others develop their brand identity.

"I just jumped."

In this episode we discuss making the shift from employee to entrepreneur. Lisa shares how she discovered it is most important to focus our most productive time on the things that are most critical and most central to the business and to hire someone else to handle the rest. We chat about the importance of building relationships, keeping community around us, and having a backup plan plus a backup for the backup. Lisa points out that when you own your own business, “Ultimately, the buck stops with you for better or worse.”

Lisa Orr can be reached through her website or by calling 918-960-7021.


The point of this costume may not be clear at first. I call it my nutty professor costume. It represents all those teachers who just don’t seem to be phased by anything. The ones I had were always super smart, easy to talk to, kind to students, and for some reason all seemed to find their clothing in the same discount bin. These professors were my favorites when I was in school.

Follow the show on Instagram @moneyheartshow to see more pics of my costumes from each episode. I also include my guest’s costume when they choose to wear one.



I know who I am and my brand identity is strong. I bring great value to those I meet.


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