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Money Habits for Children

Episode 057

At first Ramona Rogers resisted joining her mother in the childcare industry. In 2001 she finally stopped resisting and opened a daycare center. As it turned out she loved raising children to be the best they could possibly be and she recognized the importance of teaching them solid financial principles so they could build good money habits.

"You never know the seeds that you plant in those kids how far they're going to go."

Ramona set up a system of jobs and credits at her daycare center to reward the kids for doing helpful activities around the center. She focused on teaching them critical skills like delayed gratification and understanding needs vs. wants by allowing them to choose if they wanted to redeem their credits for small prizes or save them for special events like the carnival. They even held garage sales so the kids could sell items they no longer needed or wanted.

Years later, as some of the children Ramona worked with are now graduating from high school, they follow up with her and tell her how much they remember the money skills and habits she taught them. They are excited to share how they are putting money aside and their savings is growing.

As we approach the centennial of the Tulsa race massacre, Ramona and I also take the opportunity to discuss Black Wall Street and the power of spending money within a community.

Ramona is a personal development coach, and author, and is the CEO of Ramona Rogers Enterprises. She created the company because she believes that everyone should have an opportunity to live life without limits. By creating personal development educational tools and resources, individuals can continuously become the best possible version of themselves. Ramona believes that achievement and advancement should be the norm and not the exception.

Ramona can be reached via email at Her children’s book about money habits and generational wealth is called Buck and Penny. It is available on her website and on Amazon. There is also a matching workbook: Buck and Penny – Understanding Money Interactive Workbook


Ramona chose a rich luxury theme for our recording. She went with fur and I went with feathers. We had fun coordinating our backgrounds to match the theme.

Follow the show on Instagram @moneyheartshow to see more pics of my costumes from each episode. I also include my guest’s costume when they choose to wear one.



Money Mantra: "Start Today! Believe that you can. Develop good money habits. Take action to secure your future."


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