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You Don’t Have to Go It Alone

Episode 105

As Anna Roszak was listening to Episode 082 of MoneyHeart, Recovering from a Money Fight, she realized not enough people were speaking about emotional and financial abuse. In that episode my guest, Stephen Finney, recommended that rather than blame your partner for all the money problems, start by taking at least 1% ownership of the problem. Excellent advice. And he included one caveat which was… not if you’re in an abusive relationship.

Anna was so glad we brought that up because when she was in an abusive relationship she was blaming herself all the time. This realization sparked her to reach out to me and ask if we could record an episode about her experience in hopes that we may shed some light on this issue, help others to recognize their situation, and get help on the path to recovery.

In this episode, Anna shares her experience of emotional and financial abuse. It is different from many well known abuse cases because her husband never hit her. There was no physical abuse so for years she didn’t realize there was a problem. This is very common. She explains what happened, what the clues were, how she got help, and what you can do if you notice a friend who might be in a similar situation. I’m so grateful to Anna for being brave enough to share her story in support of the greater good.


“I didn’t know I was in an abusive relationship until I was out of it for years.”

- Anna Roszak


About Anna Roszak

Anna Roszak is the founder and director of DesignShack, a web and graphic design business based in Glasgow, Scotland. To see examples of Anna’s design work you can visit her website at You can contact her directly via email at

Money Mantra:

"For every giver there must be a receiver, and for every receiver there must be a giver."

- T. Harv Eker

Recovering from a Money Fight

The episode Anna mentioned listening to was Recovering from a Money Fight –  Stephen Finney – Episode 082. You can find it here:


Anna told me she had a bee costume on hand so I matched her theme. I think we make excellent bees and I love the underlying metaphor of a colony who works together for the benefit of all.

Follow the show on Instagram @moneyheartshow to see more pics of my costumes from each episode. I also include my guest’s costume when they choose to wear one.

Thanks for tuning in! If you'd like to be a guest on MoneyHeart apply HERE.

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