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Bouncing Back from Financial Setback

Episode 051

When Renee’s parents got divorced she went from living in a prestigious neighborhood on Staten Island to living in the projects. Later in 2008, during the Great Recession, Renee went through a divorce and there she was again in the middle of a financial setback.

"I had to say to myself, 'Renee, how did you end up in this financial situation?'."

After some soul searching she realized the problem wasn’t her circumstances it was how she was caring for the money she had. She shares her techniques for taking responsibility, changing her mindset, bouncing back, and for teaching her children how to be good stewards of their money.

Renee talks openly about how she “put pride to the side” and got a full time job to make ends meet. She continued to build her businesses in the evening and still gave back to her community through volunteer work. Renee figured out a system to really help people get their financial households in order. From this early start she build her highly successful coaching firm and a publishing company.

Renee Bobb is the owner of Renee Bobb Training and Development Firm, specializing in Financial Empowerment, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Entrepreneurship and Book Publishing. She is also the owner of the Music City Icons Professional Women’s Basketball Team in Nashville, Tennessee. Renee can be reached through her websites and


Renee said when she thinks costume, she thinks queen. I thought that sounded like an excellent idea so we both dressed on the outside as the fabulous royalty we are on the inside.

Follow the show on Instagram @moneyheartshow to see more pics of my costumes from each episode. I also include my guest’s costume when they choose to wear one.



Money Mantra: "Great things come to those who go out there and get them."


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