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Unlocking the Golden Handcuffs

Episode 077

What often happens when you make a ton of money but don’t have any money management skills? Usually, you get stuck! That’s exactly what happened to Financial Coach, Jessica Medina. She walked into a 6-figure salary at a prestigious law firm right out of law school and was spending everything she made on rent, loans, child care, and conveniences to keep herself sane. Fast forward a few years and all she wanted was a life where she got to enjoy herself and spend quality time with her children, but she felt she couldn’t afford the pay cut.

“That’s kind of where I landed. Knowing that I was going to need to be commanding as much money as I possibly could to meet all of the obligations I had created for myself. But when I got there and I started making money it didn’t go nearly as far as I thought that it would!”

Jessica Medina taught herself how to take control of her money and not just survive, but thrive on a reasonable budget. In this episode she reveals the truth of how challenging it is to ask for help when everyone expects you to know it all and she gives an insider’s perspective on the life of the instantly wealthy.

Jessica shares the four categories where most people with high-pressure, high-income jobs tend to spend, including convenience and self-soothing expenses. She also shares her biggest tip on how to begin to unwind the golden handcuffs and make change if you want to. It’s not always fun in the beginning, but it does work, and the results are undeniable.

You can get in touch with Jessica through her website and download her PDF 5 Money Mistakes Lawyers Make (and what to do instead) from her website Jessica is also highly active on LinkedIn.


Jessica requested we go fancy and wear fascinators. I confess, I had to google what a “fascinator” was. Once I saw it I was super excited to pick one out and to wear it on the show.

Follow the show on Instagram @moneyheartshow to see more pics of my costumes from each episode. I also include my guest’s costume when they choose to wear one.



Money Mantra: "You can spend your money on anything, but you can't spend it on EVERYTHING."


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